„The individual is now no longer, as so often in the East, a criminal case nor, as in the West, a little worker who must sell himself and make enough money to stand out at all, but an appearance of light… To address this requires not merely a theory but the discovery of a new language… All clichés and all slander must and can cease. This would be the language of those who suffer a common plight, the language of those who can address, poetically and musically and philosophically and morally and with wit, with amusement, with irony, with the great creative power of humour, though not the humour conveyed by the bursts of laughter of the petits bourgeois at the regulars‘ table but one that embraces a mysterious lightness within ourselves, that expresses an incomprehensible gladness that we actually can still laugh, although we have nothing to laugh about.“ (Ernst Bloch, at the Protestant Academy in Bad Boll, 1968)